ESPEON reads air currents to predict its foe's next move. It hates darkness, so it casts a veil of light around itself during the night while it sleeps.
Definitely not the best I've come up with, but something I thought of.
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Post ideas for Espeon here.
ESPEON reads air currents to predict its foe's next move. It hates darkness, so it casts a veil of light around itself during the night while it sleeps.
Definitely not the best I've come up with, but something I thought of.
Helpful tip of the day:
Want to become a great PI? Always remember to zip up your pants.
sounds pretty good to me
ESPEON's psychic power waxes and wanes with the summer and winter solstices. For this reason, it was once believed that ESP was granted by the sun deity.
ESPEON's method of evolution and cat-like form resulted in ancient Egyptians seeing them as sacred and respected animals. It's powers wane and waxe according to the intensity of sunlight and the proximity of the sun.
I like BTGs, but it seems a bit too wordy.
DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.
Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)
Does Egypt exist in pokemon?
ESPEON's powers wane and waxe according to the intensity of sunlight. ESPEON are weak in darkness, so they cast veils of light around themselves during the night while they sleep.
DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.
Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)
ESPEON are very loyal to their TRAINERS and will do anything for them. Studies show that ESPEON are actually very intelligent POKEMON and they use this intelligence to make good use of their psychic powers.
Not the best I can do but it is still ok.
Too wordy, perhaps a rehash:
ESPEON are very loyal to their TRAINERS and will do anything for them. Studies show that ESPEON are actually very intelligent POKEMON and they make good use of their psychic powers.
I don't like that one very much since it could apply to every Psychic Pokemon ever created. Except maybe Slowbro.
Well we need to get this finalized so any more suggestions/rewrites?
I would, but I'm not the best with my vocab. I think ya'll would know that from when I was 1st here, when I tried entries :P. (In the end, I found my way though)
DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.
Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)
If you had ideas, one of us could word them.
I had a couple, but I can't remember them for the life of me now...
DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.
Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)
That happens to me alot.
I remember I read in a Pokemon book once that Espeon could predict weather using its fur. Try putting that in a Pokedex entry.
ESPEON's acute senses, derived from its psychic abilites, can be used to predict the weather. In addition, it has enhanced emotions, making it a great companion for trainers.
Not sure about the merger......but I liked both ideas.......
Take out the "in addition". That's what one would use in an essay. Also, I personally think that "great" should not be used, as that is an opinion, which a Pokedex shouldn't have. The only way that would work would be if you are stating that someone has this opinion, for example "making it a great companion in the opinion of trainers."
Nothing about being companions to trainers, please. Every Pokemon can be a good companion for a trainer. Every single one. Thus, ever mentioning it is redundant.
Hmmmmm. Somebody reword it?
In ancient times, Espeon were worshipped as the sacred animals. The fact that their psychic powers wane and wax with the path of the sun further reinforced this belief.
In a different order, and reworded
In ancient times, Espeon were worshipped as the sacred animals. This belief was reinforced by the fact that ESPEON's power changes with movement of the sun.
Ummmm.....yeah. That's what I meant XD
Mm... I would prefer if you had explained why it needed rewording, but in this case, I'll make a case for the edit: I was taught in a writing course that the emphasis is generally on the end of the sentence, and the most important part of the second sentence is "sun," not "belief."
+vote for the latest edit, it works well.
Yeah I'll go with it
+ another vote!
Looks like I make 6.