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Intro: I'm one of the best out here when it comes to surfing! Defeat: That doesn't mean that I'm too good at Pokemon, though... AV: You just have to find your thing and stick with it, I guess.
Intro: I love the green room! Defeat: Oooh, caught in the boneyard.. AV: Did I confuse you? Green room is the space inside a wave, and the boneyard is where the wave breaks.
Neo Bay:
NPC 1: Man, I never cease to be impressed! This is my third home, and the advances in science are just as amazing!
NPC 2: I like going down to the bay and making footprints in the sand. But they always disappear...Why is that?,
NPC 3: Hmm..what should I eat for lunch today...,
NPC 4: Professor Willow sure is something! Did you hear? He's already discovered a new batch of Pokemon! Maybe you should check them out, [Your Name]!,
NPC 5: Zzzz...Zzzz....Huaghh...No, I swear it will be done soon...Zzzz...,
NPC 6: Doo do de da didali diddy diddy...What? Can't a person sing while they work? Sheesh...kids these days...,
NPC 7: Have you ever noticed that some people will say the same thing over and over every time you talk to them? Weird, isn't it?,
NPC 8: *sigh* I miss her so~ My love lost on a stormy night~,
Rival's Mom: Hey, [Your Name]! You just missed [Rival's Name.] [He/She] just went out for a bit of fresh air!,
Professor's Aide: Hello there! I work here as one of Professor Willow's aides!,
Professor's Aide: The Professor is such a generous man! Giving deserving children their own Pokemon when they come of age...I wish I had that opportunity when I was younger!,
Before Rival Battle (Nice Rival): Hey, [Trainer's Name]! That's a nice Pokemon you got there! Why don't you say we have a little battle for some practice before you head out on your adventure!,
Before Rival Battle: (Mean Rival) Hey, [Trainer's Name]! What is that runt of a Pokemon you just picked? That thing couldn't even hurt a fly if it tried! Come on! Let's battle so I can put it out of its misery!,
Before Rival Battle: (Mysterious Rival after walking out of lab) ....Come. We will do battle. No questions.
Rival Loss (Nice Rival): [In Battle] Hey, not bad! You're a natural at this!,
[After Battle] You're doing really well for just getting a Pokemon today! Let's battle again sometime, so I can see how much better you've become!,
Rival Loss (Mean Rival) [In Battle] WHAAAT?, [After Battle] But...but...that thing is a runt! How could it possibly beat me! You...you just got lucky, that's all! We'll meet again!,
Rival Loss (Mysterious Rival) [In Battle] ...good. [After Battle] ...I shall see you again.
Professor Willow [After Battle, After Rival Leaves] Good job, [Trainer Name!] You just got a Pokemon, and you've already won your first match! It took me weeks of training just to do what you did in 5 minutes! Very impressive.
NPC Blocking Route [Before Rival Battle] Hey, there's this wicked battle going on right now, and you wouldn't want to get in the way, would you? Just wait around for a bit. ,
NPC Blocking Route [After Rival Battle] That battle was one of the best I've ever seen! It's a shame you missed it.
Route 204:
NPC 1: Hey! Check it out! You can find wild Pokemon in the tall grass! Sweet, huh?
NPC 2: Well, there's one thing to be said about Pokemon trainers; they sure do get their exercise.
NPC 3: *sniff* My allergies...are...so bad right now...*sniff*
Trainer 1: Hey! You looked me in the eye! Nobody ever looks me in the eye! You've got a lot of nerve, kid! [After Battle Victory] Humiliated...by a kid...
NPC 5: Hey! I run the Pokemon Mart over in Cranewing City! It's a great place for any aspiring trainer to visit on their quest. Hey, let me give you a free sample, as a bit of a promotion, you might say! [Receive Potion/Antidote/etc.]
NPC 6: Have you noticed those trainer tool signs? Who puts those there? And what is a Start, and Save, button? I'm so confused...
Trainer 2: Pssh! Who needs shorts? Pants are the way to go! [After Battle Victory] Pant, pant...
Help Sign: TRAINER TOOLS: 1. If you want to stop your game at anytime, hit Start, then select Save.
Cranewing City
NPC 1: Welcome to Cranewing, the City of Glass!
NPC 2 [inside house] Ahh...nothing like the smell of charcoal and glass to wake you up in the morning.
NPC 3 [inside house] Ugh! I can't stand this smell!
NPC 4: Have you heard the story about the legendary glassmakers of this town? [Y/N] [If Y] Well, then I guess you already know all I would have to tell you. [If N] Well, why don't you go and speak to them, then? They're all over town.
NPC 5: Puff...puff...Glassblowing is fun! Puff...puff...
NPC 6: *cough cough* I got too close to a pile of charcoal...*cough cough*
NPC 7: Hey! You look like a tough trainer! Why don't you go and test your mettle against Froy? He's a pretty cool customer, even if he is surrounded by fire.
NPC 8: Ugh...that journey through Route 204 took a lot out of me...I better go rest up at the Pokemon Center...
NPC 9: Spinarak, use Poison Sting!...NO! NOT STRING SHOT, POISON STING! GAH! YOU'RE SO USELESS! Spinarak: Keeskeech!
NPC 10: Hmm...what to buy today...Shoes, or shoes? Shoes...or shoes...
NPC 11: Mm...Kingler Brand Charcoal...I'd use nothing else for my barbeque!
NPC 12: This cup right here, it's nothing less than GLASSYLICIOUS!...Wait, why did I just say that?
NPC 13: Lalala...lalala...Doing nothing...lalala...
Pokemon Center in Cranewing: Nurse Joy: Welcome to the Pokemon Center! We can get your Pokemon back into perfect shape! Would you like us to do that? [Y/N] [If Y] Ok! Just wait here for a moment....Thank you for waiting! Your Pokemon are back to perfect help. Hope to see you again! [If N] We hope to see you again!
NPC 1: New to Cranewing? Yeah, you look it. Well, if you're planning on beating Froy, you're gonna be visiting here a lot more often! Haha!
NPC 2: Mmm, Nurse Joy is so dreamy...Hey! Why are you looking at me that way?
NPC 3: Hey! Want a cup of coffee with me? No? That's a shame, you look tired.
NPC 4: I'm so jealous...This computer is WAY better than the one I have at home...*sigh*
Pokemon Mart in Cranewing: NPC 1: Gosh, everything is so expensive here.
NPC 2: What? I can't get my shopping done in here! Why is it called a mart, if I can't even buy groceries?
Store Clerk: Welcome to the Pokemon Mart! How can I help you?[List of Items] [Item]? You're buying [Amount]? That'll come to [Final Price]. If buying: Thanks a lot! Do you want anything else?, If not buying: Oh, just window shopping, eh? Well, you want to look at anything else?, If canceling: Thanks a lot for stopping by, come again!,
Gym: Helpful Dude at Front: Hey, future Pokemon cham-peen! I'm no trainer, but I can give you some helpful advice! If you want to become a better battler, you better listen up! [Y/N] [Y]Okay, here's the deal. Froy's got it cool when it comes to handling Fire Pokemon! If you're one of those nature loving Grass types, Froy's gonna burn you alive! Counter his fiery spirit with a good douse of water! [N]What? You don't want to become a Pokemon cham-peen?
Trainer 1: You think you've even got a chance against Froy? You gotta get through me first, and trust me, you got no fire compared to me!, [After Victory] Sheesh! Too hot to handle!,
Trainer 2: Froy's been my mentor for as long as I can remember. If I still can't beat him, then you have no chance of beating me! [After Victory] Oh, snap! Not bad, kid! Not bad!
Froy: An expertly blown piece of glass. Flawless. No matter how hard you look, you won't find a single imperfection. That is how I strive to live my life. My Pokemon recognize this, and have become expertly tuned to my feelings. Do you think you can break their fiery exterior? Let's get it on. [After Victory] Your skill...it can douse even the strongest of fires. Take this Glass Badge. You deserve it.