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Thread: Revamp: Chinchou -> Lanturn

  1. #41
    Better Than That Guy
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    Hyper beam is definitely Lanturn only, generally it's only available for the last stage of a line. Overload... I can picture Overload being on both.

    EDIT: I also don't see why Chinchou can't get Calm Mind.

  2. #42
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Hyper Beam should for sure be Lanturn only, that's how Pokemon does it. I'm actually not sure on how much Overload fits. It seems like we're just shoving it in because Lanturn's electric type, but it doesn't really need it does it? It's such a happy Pokemon...

  3. #43
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Hyper Beam Lanturn-only for sure. I feel like Lanturn should get Overload. Not Chinchou though, it seems too small to be able to create that much current.

  4. #44
    RPG Administrator
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    I can see that working pretty well, actually.
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