Favorite Topaz Pokemon

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  1. Mediocrity_Incarnate
    Mine is Kunaiga.

    Its hella fast and has great Ice/Ground typing so it can take out threatening fire types with a fast earthquake.
  2. NyteFyre
    my fav is either Wolfrost, or Wolvine....but of course, there's always the cute Barkub, and Vixun

    gah, hard to choose just one... >.<
  3. BladeVap

    I have three favorites: Phantern, Illumbra, and Ferrian. But I think for just ONE, Ferrian is MY favorite.
  4. SilentSentinel
    Yeah Ferrian is definently a favorite of mine. I like Bakurge too though.
  5. Cranky Guy
    Cranky Guy
    My fav is probably Pyreign. I like its type mix, since its hard to find a decent fire type.( I always use Houndoom.)
  6. SilentSentinel
    Bug and Fire is pretty good typing imo. Pyreign is lacking in the defense department, so its not great for competitive battling though.
  7. Cranky Guy
    Cranky Guy
    True, but it should be able to KO most enemies in the first turn because most fire type attacks are powerful. Either than Pyreign, I also like Malistril and Drakodo.
  8. Badara
    Unicrown is Uber FTW!
  9. SilentSentinel
    Unicrown would make a fine wall competitivley if I remember correctly. It's got like 160 base Hp or something like that.
  10. X-Antibody
    Ingero has an awesome design and Whispaw is cute *w*
Results 1 to 10 of 15
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