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Thread: What are your Youtube subscriptions?

  1. #1
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Default What are your Youtube subscriptions?

    Starting with my following of vlogbrothers over this summer, I've opened up to the idea of actually doing things with a Youtube account vis a vis subscribing to things I like and actually pressing the like buttons for once. So, what are you subscribed to?

    I've got vlogbrothers/Scishow/Healthcare Triage as my vlogbrothers following, Extra Credits which is an excellent game design show, Sebastian Wolff who is my hero in terms of having transcribed How to Train Your Dragon music for piano, and Cooking With Dog, an awesome Japanese cook show.

    I'm not subscribed to, but also watched all the videos of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries. I did the lighting design for a staged adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in October/November, and didn't really like the plot/script. Lizzie Bennet Diaries is much much better.


  2. #2
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    Fun fact: I don't subscribe to anyone on YouTube. I joined during a time when "sub4sub" was a popular-yet-annoying thing, and I refused to participate. It's carried over today.

    However, if I did, I'd subscribe to my GF's/best IRL friends' channels, and Markiplier.

  3. #3
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    Now that I think about it, I really need to clean out my subscriptions. I have a few really dumb ones, and I rarely watch youtube.

    Among my favorites are: CGP Grey (always really interesting), vihart (fun videos and a very nice voice), SMBC Theater (pretty funny), vlogbrothers, my high school robotics group's channel, and my college fencing club's channel. CGP Grey is really the only one I'm actively keeping up-to-date on.

  4. #4
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Oh yeah Vi Hart is really great! I really like her Atonal music one and the Doodling in Math series.

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