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Thread: Tatterdemalion: Neo Bay

  1. #1
    "We nicknamed her Bean"
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    Default Tatterdemalion: Neo Bay

    Twelve days aboard a sinking ship wears hard on a person.

    It seems rather odd, given the expenses put forward by her father, that Eliza Grey would find herself in that kind of situation. One would think passage on a vessel like the S.S. Clerisy would be peaceful. Serene, perhaps. But weather certainly doesn't bend to money. So Eliza told her father, but he did not listen. She was going to arrive in Neo Bay when he decided she would, and no patch of cruel storms would delay her journey. So when the ship began to take on water halfway from her home to Caldera, Eliza knew she had been right.

    "I suppose if I'm getting away, I won't have to worry about his poor decision making anymore," she thought, "at least for a while I can make my own decisions. For now..."

    It was a bit of a relief as Eliza stepped off the platform, small black satchel in hand. The small ship had made it, but had taken on quite a bit of water that a team of the sailor's Pokemon were dealing with. The captain of the ship, Cptn. Foster, had quickly gone ashore and was returning now, Prof. Willow in tow. Eliza and the professor had already met: the Grey family funded of scientific research. Though not directly involved in Prof. Willow's current expedition, they had been partners in the past. In fact, Eliza's Echoise had been a present from Prof. Willow only a few months prior, in preparation for Eliza's trip to Caldera and Kirant.

    "It's so lovely to see you again, Eliza," the professor said, touching Eliza's shoulder. The affectionate gesture wasn't lost on her: Eliza liked Prof. Willow decently well. She was as nice as could be expected.
    "I'm afraid I must try to help fix some of this ship's controls. But I understand you're being looked after?"
    "In a while. I'm supposed to be getting myself to Softwind City. From there transportation has apparently been arranged."
    "That works for me,"
    she said, smiling as she walked past on to the dock, "I don't often worry about you, Eliza. You're much more competent than I think most people give you credit for."

    Eliza blushed a little, but quickly composed herself as she walked off the dock and into the small village. There weren't too many houses, but they were well-constructed and didn't look quite as impoverished as Eliza's father had described it. He was like that with most things. He had trouble seeing what most things were worth.

    She felt herself moving faster, but wasn't sure why. Her legs just seemed to glide every so slightly faster with each step. turning her head slightly, she could see someone following her. As she turned around one of the houses, she spun around just as a boy walked right into her. Well, he would have, had not Eliza trust out her hand, knocking him to the ground.

    "That wasn't so nice." The boy delicately picked himself up and dusted off his long overcoat. In one hand he held a cane, in the other he held a black notebook. He tucked the notebook and held out his hand.
    "Maybe we can try that again. My name is Hart, and I was wondering if you were Eliza?"
    "And what do you have to do with me?" She shook his hand, trying not to seem as guarded as she felt.
    "It's just that some of the sailors on the ship mentioned you, and how you were travelling to Softwind. By yourself no less. I was hoping I could tag along, since I'm headed in that direction myself."
    Eliza tried to look at him again. The white scarf wrapped around his neck, the thick coat clearly too warm for the weather and the cane all suggested frailty or sickness. Something had to be wrong with him. But... he didn't seem sick. There was a light in his eyes and a heartiness of his voice that did not seem like someone weak.
    But all observation aside, Eliza wasn't exactly the type to encourage strange company. Then again...
    "Even if I don't need him, it might be nice to have someone to talk to. But I can't have him thinking I'm bringing him for the wrong reasons."

    Eliza reached into her satchel and pulled out her single Pokeball.
    "Well, Hart, I would be happy to take you along with me, but I need to make sure it will be worth my while. If you can defeat me, I will take you along. But if I win, I reserve the right to leave without you. Clear?"
    "I had hoped you would say that," Hart giggled, pulling a Pokeball of his own from inside his jacket. "I think I've heard your name before. If I'm right, this could be interesting."

    Both Eliza and Hart tossed their Pokeballs into the air, and the flash of light from both erupted at the same time, blinding both opponents for a split second.

    "Take this opportunity, Echoise. Get to the left and use Tackle."
    She hoped whatever Pokemon Hart was using, it wouldn't be too far beyond her.

  2. #2
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    Echoise was like lightning out of the gates. She gathered power, and even before Hart's Pokeball had even opened, she was already rushing towards, with intent of colliding with whatever would come out. A brilliant flash of red light appeared, and a sturdy little plant Pokemon was there, ready to be rammed into by Echoise's forehead. Wham! Venap took the blow, but remained rooted in place. Hart smiled "A sure advantage, that speed, let us see how my Venap responds in kind. Use Pound!" Venap suddenly uprooted himself and sent half his weight forward, slamming downwards strongly onto Echoise and scoring a large blow.

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    "We nicknamed her Bean"
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    Eliza was worried for a moment. In their short time together, Eliza had already learned what her Pokemon's weaknesses were. Echoise was always fast and confident toward the beginnings of battles, but once she took damage, this confidence quickly faded. Eliza had watched it happen. Taking such a hit from Venap so early was surely shaking Echoise's confidence. If they stood a chance, she would have to be careful.
    "Don't lose hope Echoise, you're doing fantastic. Go in for a Tail Whip, but get away as fast as you can. Make it like he never saw you coming."
    Echoise turned slightly, making eye contact with Eliza. She knew it was Echoise's favourite: being a flash of lightning. Echoise dashed forward.

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    Echoise whipped herself forward, dancing around Venap. She paused every so often, whipping her tail lightly and mockingly into Venap's face. Venap was not unperturbed, but some quick shouting directives from Hart put him back on course. While Echoise had had a change of pace, he didn't need the same. He saw his advantage in the battle and decided to press it further. SLAM! He knocked the Echoise away with a heavy blow. Now they were separated once more, and had to choose carefully how they would reengage.

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    Venap's attacks were heavy, but Echoise's spirits were damaged even more.
    ""We aren't too far behind," Eliza said,"we can do this." She didn't want to believe it, but she knew that Echoise was in trouble. Venap had taken some attacks, but he didn't look too shaken yet. Neither did Hart: he stood there, cane in hand, watching and waiting. Taunting her.
    "Echoise, go in for another Tackle. Try to knock him back, at least a little." Venap had reamined planted in pretty well the same spot. Eliza hoped that getting it off its feet might give her an advantage. Then again, if those roots held strong...

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    Echoise, determined not to lose, hit Venap with all of her strength. She knocked Venap out of the ground and sent him flying back. Venap, shocked by his opponent's sudden intensity, tried to slam Echoise away, but he had lost his footing, making it difficult for his blow to carry its usual force.
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  7. #7
    "We nicknamed her Bean"
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    Eliza allowed herself a subtle flash of a grin. She had been stone-faced, bearing the battle as it had gone on, trying not to let Hart see her thought processes. But she was proud of Echoise: and the two of them were having fun. This was the first time that had happened in a long time.

    Some fisherman had come in since the battle had begun and were watching from a distance with some interest. "Wonderful, now I'm going to risk seeming weak in front of more than just this kid. I don't think I can let that happen...

    Echoise, Tackle again! We have him now.

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    Echoise chirps in glee and once again closes the distance, knocking Venap back another couple feet. Venap, feeling anxious about the crowd growing nearby, marched forward a few steps and planted its feet firmly down before attacking. However, his stage fright caused him to pull back a bit too early, causing him to once again deal less than full damage.
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    The crowd had kept their distance, but seeing the battle starting to wind down, they drew in closer. Both Pokemon were getting nervous, so Eliza hoped she could end it soon.

    Tackle again, Echoise. Stay focused!

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    Echoise, ignoring the gaze of those gathering around her, charged at Venap. However, Venap was ready this time. He leaned to the side, deflecting Echoise and only taking part of the hit. He then whipped an arm around, smashing into Echoise's back. Echoise managed to roll away before Venap strikes again, but she began to feel exhausted. She didn't have much energy left in her.
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    Echoise was not likely going to win, but Eliza knew she wanted to finish. Even if it meant losing, Echoise was ready.

    "Put everything into this last attack, Echoise. Focus, and try to come down on top."
    Eliza hoped her emphasis would get through. If Echoise jumped and tackled Venap into the ground, it might catch him off guard. But if it didn't, Echoise would probably cause itself to faint.

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    Echoise, following her trainers logic, sprung up and put her fins before her, hoping to cushion the fall. Venap looked up at his opponent, watching her slowly fall down, until...
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    Venap, flat as a pancake, passed out as Echoise rolled off of him. Despite her exhaustion, Echoise enjoyed hearing the crowd's cheers. You collect 100P for passing "Go" and... Poof! Echoise grew a little stronger!

    You may now finish up your Neo Bay story, purchase items from the Bazaar, and proceed to Route 49.

  13. #13
    "We nicknamed her Bean"
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    Venap dissapeared inside of its Pokeball as Echoise meandered back to Eliza. She bent down and petted its head. Though they had only known each other for a few short months, Eliza was noticing how much Echoise had grown. Maybe it was coming to a new place, but the two of them were much more effective as a team.
    Maybe we've realized we only have each other now...Echoise closed its eyes as it too was returned to have its rest.

    Well, would you look at that.
    Hart came over, his cane still firmly in hand. He looked a little tired, but not exhausted. His walk was still fine, and his cane still did not see actual use. Eliza couldn't help but let her eyes wander on it, wanting to say something, but his voice, smooth and bright, chimed to her ears and snapped her back into reality. I thought I had you for a moment, but you're a feisty one.
    Eliza was taken aback. It wasn't often that she had opportunities to talk to people her own age, nor people who didn't want or need her respect. She would have to get used to these kinds of descriptors, rather than the "precious," "delicate," or "beautiful" she had grown used to.
    I'm not sure quite how to take that.
    You are very talented, and I'm glad I had a chance to meet you.

    Hart stretched out his hand. Eliza took it, not realizing she should have been cautious until Hart had pulled her close. His grip was tight, and Eliza couldn't pull away. Something was wrong. She couldn't see his face, but Hart's whisper was loud in her ear.
    Don't think for a second I don't know who you are. It's a shame daddy's little girl has strayed from her home before she's ready. Before long, you will know how it feels to be helpless.
    Her hand was quickly released. Eliza didn't even get a chance to see his face: before she knew it Hart was hurriedly walking between two houses, head slightly bent towards the ground, cane clenched in his fist. He vanished out of sight and Eliza was finally able to swallow her saliva. What did he mean?

    The crowd had dissipated too just as the battle ended. She was alone.

    Eliza took her satchel, put it over her shoulder and looked back out over the water. Home seemed far away.
    Father, I am going to do this. Maybe it won't matter, but I will change the way you think of me. I'm scared, more than I thought I would be, and things aren't what I expected.
    She tightened the sash at her waist, tracing for a moment the nearly invisible gold embroidery on the gold fabric.
    I will not be threatened any longer.
    Last edited by Reliability; 03-06-13 at 04:07 AM.

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