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Thread: Next of Kindling

  1. #1
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    Default Next of Kindling

    "All right! My first Pokemon!" Vajra was clearly excited, having received a rare Pokemon after only three days of living in the Caldera-Kirant region. He had moved here from Rustboro City in Hoenn, and had gained the approval of Neo Bay's local Pokemon Professor to start training Pokemon! It was a Fire-type lion-like Pokemon called Celsinge, and he had nicknamed it "Nitro", just for fun.

    Vajra was about to leave the town when he felt a tug on his shirt. Turning around, he found himself face-to-face with his friend Zill, who was also carrying a Poke-Ball. "Going somewhere, Vaj?" Zill said.

    "Well, duh! I have to train my Pokemon, Zill; it won't get stronger until I train it by battling wild Pokemon!"

    "That's true, Vajra. However, you do know that you can also train them by battling other Trainers?" Zill seemed to be hinting at wanting to fight.

    Vajra thought about it, then nodded. "Alright, I'll fight you, I suppose. But I really wanna go see what Pokemon are out there, so don't keep me long!"

    Almost instantly, Zill hurled his own Pokemon's Poke-Ball out onto the ground! "Then let's do this! C'mon, Caska! Let's do this!" A dolphin-like Pokemon Vajra knew was known as Echoise materialized from the Ball, and Vajra chucked Nitro's Ball out as well. "Right, use Scratch, Nitro!"

    OoC: Nitro and Caska are the nicknames for my Celsinge and Zill's Echoise, respectively. Just a note for the mods.

  2. #2
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Right out of the gate Caska drove itself forward with all its might, landing a nice blow onto the poor Celsinge

    [Male] 21/25

    Nitro pretended to be more hurt than he actually was, causing the inexperienced Caska to go for another hit. However, at the last minute, Nitro dodged out of the way, lashing out with his claws and scoring a few marks on the surprised porpoise!

    [Male] 20/25

    OOC: You know, it's possible for Celsinge to hit only 4 damage... but it never actually happens!?

  3. #3
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    OoC: What do you mean, IB? I figured it was just a crit or something. O.o

    IC: "Alright, not bad, not bad! Go for another Scratch, Nitro; I doubt Growl will be much use here!"

  4. #4
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    OOC: It's just that the calc can return 4 or 5 damage, but has returned 5 damage for every Celsinge scratch so far.

    Wham! The two butted heads once more!

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  5. #5
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    "Alright, alright, keep it up! Scratch it!"

    Zill looked a bit worried now. "Don't let that wimp hit you, Caska!"

  6. #6
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    Nitro was relentless, but Caska tried something different. It dodged to the side of the swipe, and waggled its tail deprecatingly. Clearly upset, Nitro pounced again, landing some nice blows. But its vulnerability was beginning to show.

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  7. #7
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    "Urgghhh, c'mon! Why are you so intent on beating me, Vajra?!"

    "Because I want to. Scratch, Nitro!"

  8. #8
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    Heh, thanks to scratch's base power damage isn't much, but it's still pretty high considering this is low levels. In retaliation, Zil's Caska Tackled Nitro in the gut, landing a hard blow!

    [Male] 10/25 [-1 Defense]
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    NINJA! <-- Click here for Profile.
    Over here is the thread.--> ADVENCHA'!

  9. #9
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    "It's almost there to fainting, Nitro! Do another Scratch attack!"

  10. #10
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    SLAM! Another big blow from Caska sent the vulnerable Nitro flying. Severely bruised and exhausted, Nitro landed a might blow onto Caska, and they both split from the melee, limping from their wounds.

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  11. #11
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    "Come on, hang in there! Scratch it one more time!"

  12. #12
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    Nitro and Caska locked eyes. They knew that whoever struck first woiuld be the victor of this battle. Slowly circling around each other, they each waited for the other to strike in order to catch the other by surprise. Suddenly, Caska, set itself hurtling forward. Nitro, knowing this was his chance, brought his claws to bear, but by the time he had gotten them up, Caska already had his snout at his midsection. Caught completely by the blow, Nitro stood reeling on its back paws, then fell backwards, unconscious.

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  13. #13
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Later, Nitro wakes up. Although he's still feeling all bruised up from his fight with Caska, he feels like he's learned a lot...

    Poof! Level 6!

    Before you depart to Route 49, feel free to buy Pokeballs and Potions as you will.

  14. #14
    BladeVap's Avatar
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    Before Vajra was able to get ready for his journey, there was a knock on his door. Standing there was Zill, holding Caska, who was wincing at some hidden pain. "Vajra...I'm sorry for forcing you to battle. I felt like I hurt your Celsinge, since I found out that we probably were too hard on our Pokemon. I mean, look at Caska!" he said, lifting the dolphin Pokemon up to reveal a small gash that was bandaged up. "My parents were out of Potions, and I haven't been able to make myself leave from all my guilt. Nitro alright?"

    Vajra nodded. "Don't be so hard on yourself, man; Nitro's fine!"

    "Oh, good! I was worried that he wouldn't be! Hey, but listen...I wanna call our battle a draw. I mean, I won and all...but I don't feel happy about it. Are you alright with that?"

    "Absolutely! I mean, I was a little sore at losing, but I'll win next time, for sure!"

    "Good! You keep your end of that bargain, then!" Zill nodded. "Well, I'm gonna head home, I guess. See ya, Vaj!" With that, Zill left.

    Vajra decided it was time to get going, too, so he recalled Nitro into his Poke-Ball and headed off to the first Route.

    OoC: I assume I have to buy the stuff from the Marketplace in my topic? If so, I'll buy five Poke-Balls for 1000P.

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