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Thread: Tyrannigon's Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke Challenge

  1. #1
    Spriter and Gym designer
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    Default Tyrannigon's Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke Challenge

    So, I’ve seen a few people here doing the Nuzlocke challenge. I figured "Why not? I'll do one too." I’ll be playing through Pokemon Emerald, but to make things interesting, I'll be using the Emerald Randomizer.

    For those of you who don’t know, the Emerald Randomizer, as the name suggest, randomizes the Pokemon in the game. It only works on wild Pokemon and starters, though, so the trainers will have the same Pokemon, and event Pokemon (e.g. legendaries, the Wynaut egg) aren’t randomized either. Also, it doesn’t make a random Pokemon appear each time, rather, it will change the encounter rates in each area, so it will be the same handful of Pokemon in one area, and a different handful in another.

    So, without any further ado, let’s get to it.

    My choices for starter Pokemon turn out to be Charmeleon, Oddish, and Armaldo. I think it’s pretty obvious which one I’m going to choose.

    I take Charmeleon and battle the Zigzagoon that’s attacking the Professor. I defeat it with ease.

    Birch takes me back to his lab and gives me Charmeleon.

    New Pokemon: Charles

    Lv. 5 / Blaze / M

    Hopefully I'll be able to come up with better names later.

    So, I head off to search for May. I decide to grind a bit at Route 101, because I always feel the need to for some reason. Unfortunately, half the Pokemon there are resistant to Fire.

    Route 101 Pokemon: Nidoking, Carvahna, Torchic, Grimer, Ekans, Corphish, Graveler, Ampharos, Ledyba

    I decide to quit once Charles gets to be Lv. 10 (which doesn’t take long, thanks to Ampharos) and move on to Route 102 (of course, healing before that).

    I was hoping to get through without any wild Pokemon encounters happening so I could catch something once I actually got Pokeballs, but a Wobbuffet thwarted that plan. (Or maybe I’m a derp and you actually can get Pokeballs from the Pokemart by this point. Whatever.)

    I get to May, and we begin the battle. She has a Torchic, so neither of us have a type advantage (Yet). Thanks to being an evolved Pokemon, and being such a high level by comparison, Charles takes down Torchic with a couple of Scratches.

    I head back to Oldale where I heal my Pokemon, then to Littleroot, where I receive the Pokedex and some Pokeballs. I head back to Oldale and buy a few more Pokeballs and continue my quest.

    New Pokemon: Kate

    Lv. 3 / Rock Head / F

    Only Growl? She’ll be fun to train… After healing, I head to Route 102 for training, hoping it’s better than 101.

    Route 102 Pokemon: Wobbuffet, Marill, Huntail, Espeon,

    I realize that this is a bad idea when a Wobbuffet appears, so I can’t switch Kate out for Charles. So, I have to use all of her Growls, and her Tail Whips (which she learned a level ago) so she can use Struggle, which will actually hit Wobbuffet. They both run out of PP at the same time, so both sides keep using Struggle. Kate comes out victorious, and I decide to train at Route 101.

    Route 101 Pokemon I didn’t see last time: Phanpy, Muk, Mew

    Eventually, the exp. yield gets too low for my tastes, so I go to Route 103 to train instead.

    Route 103 Pokemon: Cubone, Rhydon, Parasect, Jirachi, Poliwag, Deoxys

    Kate FINALLY learns an attacking move (Bone Club) so I’m willing to move on and fight some trainers.

    I get to Petalburg, go through the stupid catching tutorial thing with Wally, blah blah blah, next route, please.

    New Pokemon: Dave

    Lv. 5 / Static / M
    Tail Whip
    Quick Attack

    This is getting long, maybe I should stop for now.

    Current Party:


    Lv. 14 / Blaze / M


    Lv. 10 / Rock Head / F
    Tail Whip
    Bone Club


    Lv. 5 / Static / M
    Tail Whip
    Quick Attack

    To be continued
    Last edited by Tyrannigon64; 10-23-12 at 01:51 AM.

  2. #2
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    I go to Route 102 to train Dave.

    Route 102 Pokemon I didn’t see before: Dodrio, Spinarak, Ampharos, Ludicolo, Lairon

    Once I decide that Dave is too strong for them, I move on to Route 103.

    Route 103 Pokemon I didn’t see before: Snorunt, Venusaur, Rattata, Murkrow

    I get bored of that quickly and move on to the trainers on Route 104 (not the grass, it has Raichus, which would be attracted by Static, and they’d resist Dave’s attack, and they have Static too, and it’d be really annoying), and then Petalburg Woods.

    Accidentally killed the Gardevoir. I probably couldn’t have caught it anyways.

    Petalburg Woods Pokemon: Gardevoir, Porygon, Aipom, Weepinbell, Magmar, Spheal

    After getting through the woods and defeating the trainers on Route 104 (the part of Route 104 after the woods), I went behind the flower shop to see if I could find a good Pokemon to catch.

    New Pokemon: Keith

    Lv. 4 / Battle Armor / M

    Is it just me, or does this game want me to have an only Gen 1 team? Well, I guess it’s time to head on back to earlier routes to train Keith…

    Why did I have to try to battle that Nidoking? Keith fell victim to Nidoking’s Poison Point. If only he could last one more step, he would’ve been fine. Unfortunately, that’s not how it went. At least I didn’t get much time to get attached… I’m still sad, though, and a little bit mad at myself. I should’ve known that Nidoking was too strong…

    With no more reason to be where I am, I head on to Route 105 to see what other Pokemon await there. Also, I want to train Kate for the battle against Roxanne.

    Route 104 (After PW) Pokemon: Kabuto, Raichu, Skarmory, Oddish, Groudon, Furret, Surskit, Meowth, Geodude

    After a while, I go to the gym to get exp. from the trainers. At this point I use the internet to look up the levels of Roxanne’s Pokemon. Her highest levelled is her Nosepass, Lv. 15, the same as Kate, but I want to have the advantage. I go to Route 116 to train. But first…

    New Pokemon: Sam

    Lv. 6 / Speed Boost / F
    Leech Life
    Sand Attack

    Look at that, something from a different generation. I’ll train her later.

    Route 116 Pokemon: Ninjask, Meditite, Spinarak, Dragonite, Kadabra, Swampert, Hitmonchan, Psyduck, Zangoose, Diglett

    I end up in Rustturf Cave, just to try to catch another Pokemon. Unfortunately, I ran out of Pokeballs, so I couldn’t catch the Eevee I was battling, so I had to let it go.

    After some more training, I feel confident with Kate, so I challenge Roxanne. It isn’t even a challenge. Her Geodudes go down in one hit each, and her Nosepass takes two. Kate doesn’t even get hit.

    This seems like a good place to finish for now. Next time, I’ll train my Pokemon to Kate’s level, and then maybe I’ll get the Devon Goods.

    Current Party:


    Lv. 14 / Blaze / M


    Lv. 20 / Rock Head / F
    Tail Whip
    Bone Club


    Lv. 13 / Static / M
    Tail Whip
    Quick Attack

    New Pokemon: Sam

    Lv. 6 / Speed Boost / F
    Leech Life
    Sand Attack



    Lv. 5 / M
    Cause of Death: Poison

    To be continued

  3. #3
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    What's your naming scheme for your Pokemon?

  4. #4
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    Naming scheme? I just give them whatever name I feel like, if that's what you mean. If I can think of what I think of a name I like within a minute or two, I use that, and if I can't, I try to think of names with the same first two letters as the Pokemon, and then I usually think of something that works. I'm not naming them after the characters of a show or video game... I'm not supposed to be doing that, am I?

  5. #5
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    You can name them however you like. I think a lot of people name them after characters from a TV show or something to try and make more of an emotional connection, but any nickname can do that.

    Does the randomizer affect water, too? I can't help thinking that you might not end up getting a surfing pokemon. Also, do you find that the randmoizer makes it easier or harder?

    Good luck!

  6. #6
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    Yes, it affects surfing. It also affects fishing and Rock Smashing.

    The randomizer makes the game harder and easier at the same time; it makes it more likely for the Pokemon to have too high a catch rate, but it also increases the average experience yield, at least in earlier areas. You also can't prepare at all for the first Pokemon in an area you've never been to before (which is only a problem for Nuzlocke challenge, and it's only a slight problem). I haven't tried any Nuzlockes before, so I don't know if the randomizer makes Nuzlocke any harder, but I would predict that it's about the same difficulty. Without Nuzlocke, it makes it easier.

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    Okay, so I’ve been thinking, maybe I’m being too detailed about this, enough to be a bit boring (if anyone disagrees, please say something), so I’m going to try less detail this time, see if it’s better.

    No! Not again! Seriously? I keep losing my Pokemon when training!? I suck at this. Sam is no longer with us; he was victim to a Dodrio’s Peck. I’m not even sure why I didn’t run when I had the chance.

    Well, I go to Rusturf Cave and train Charles and Dave until I think they’re at high enough levels to move on.

    Once I get to Dewford, I get the Old Rod (because with the Randomizer, it’s actually useful) and try to catch some Pokemon with it… or I would, if I had Pokeballs… What!? I keep forgetting Dewford has no Pokemart… Y U NO HAVE POKEMART!?

    New Pokemon: Seth

    Lv. 5 / Swift Swim / M
    Tail Whip
    Water Sport

    New Pokemon: Chris

    Lv. 7 / Overgrow / M

    Now into the cave, to (hopefully) get a something with a type advantage against Fighting…

    New Pokemon: Jeff

    Lv. 8 / Flash Fire / M
    Tail Whip

    …or not. Whatever. So, I guess it’s time to train all these new guys now…

    Got bored partway through training and went to the next level of the cave.

    New Pokemon: Alex

    Lv. 11 / Keen Eye / F

    Maybe I should’ve done this earlier… Yeah, I’m switching out Jeff for Alex; it’s balances my team better, and I have a Fighting type gym coming up.

    I feel confident with my Pokemon, so I enter the gym and beat all the trainers for experience. Unfortunately, I lose Seth to Brawly’s Makuhita’s Vital Throw.

    I go through the cave (without teaching anyone Flash, because it’s a useless move that I’ll only use once) and catch a new Pokemon at the next level of the cave…

    New Pokemon: Jenny

    Lv. 10 / Hustle / F
    Water Gun

    …and another in the part of the cave where Steve is.

    New Pokemon: Ben

    Lv. 8 / Thick Fat / M
    Focus Energy
    Sand Attack

    While training Jenny, she got killed in one hit; a Primeape used Vital Throw after using Leer at least once.

    So, I train all my Pokemon up (at which point Ben evolves), and then I head to Slateport. Then I buy some Great Balls and get to catching Pokemon.

    New Pokemon: Jason

    Lv. 9 / Shed Skin / M
    Poison Sting

    I go through the whole thing with delivering the Devon Goods, battling Team Aqua, blah blah blah.

    New Pokemon: Twisty

    Lv. 12 / Damp / M

    Most original name ever. :P

    Nothing eventful happens until I get to Mauville. I breeze through with Kate, and she ends up evolving into a Marowak.

    DANGIT CRITICAL HITS I HATE YOU. I swear, that critical did more than twice the normal damage.

    Okay, maybe I should stop here. So, should I continue with the more summarized version, or should I go back to the more detailed version?

    Current Party


    Lv. 26 / Blaze / M


    Lv. 28 / Rock Head / F
    Focus Energy
    Bone Club


    Lv. 26 / Static / M
    Tail Whip
    Quick Attack


    Lv. 26 / Overgrow / M
    Razor Leaf


    Lv. 27 / Keen Eye / F
    Fury Cutter
    Knock Off
    Fury Attack


    Lv. 26 / Thick Fat / M
    Fake Out
    Vital Throw
    Arm Thrust



    Lv. 5 / M
    Cause of Death: Nidoking’s Poison Point


    Lv. 7 / F
    Cause of Death: Dodrio’s Peck


    Lv. 20 / M
    Cause of Death: Makuhita’s Vital Throw


    Lv. 10 / F
    Cause of Death: Primeape’s Vital Throw
    Last edited by Tyrannigon64; 11-04-12 at 07:08 PM.

  8. #8
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    I think the detailed version makes it a bit funner to read. But, of course, ultimately the decision is up to you.

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