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Thread: Moves Programming (Moves.txt)

  1. #1
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Default Moves Programming (Moves.txt)

    Hey all, while looking through the Essentials wiki, it occurred to me that a lot of our moves are just type-changed or tweaked numbers on previous Pokemon moves, or even similar to D/P moves. As such, the effects of the moves are already programmed into the engine, we just need to recall those for our moves. So, here's a list of all the moves we have programmed so far. If Konrad ever decides to come back for even a moment, there should be more, but this is what Leithality did.

    471,AVALANCHE,AVALANCHE,C6,120,ICE,Physical,100,5,100,20,0,be,Cool,"A giant wall of snow crashes upon everybody on the field."
    472,BLACKHOLE,BLACK HOLE,07,250,DARK,Special,100,5,100,00,0,be,Cool,"A giant mass of negative energy completely envelops the opponent. Causes user to faint."
    473,BLINDINGRAY,BLINDING RAY,D6,0,LIGHT,Status,0,10,80,00,0,c,Cool,"A ray of intense light blinds the opponent, sharply reducing accuracy."
    474,BUGBITE,BUG BITE,04,70,BUG,Physical,85,15,30,00,0,abe,Cool,"Pierces the opponent with sharp teeth. Might cause burn."
    475,BURNOUT,BURNOUT,63,1,FIRE,Special,100,15,100,00,0,abe,Cool,"Inflicts more damage when the user's HP is down."
    476,CASCADE,CASCADE,D7,60,WATER,Special,100,10,100,00,0,be,Cool,"An arc of water crashes on the foe, painfully soothing burns."
    477,CHERRYBOMB,CHERRY BOMB,54,80,GRASS,Physical,90,15,20,00,0,be,Cool,"Explosive seed pods are launched at the opponent. Might seed the opponent."
    478,COLDWIND,COLD WIND,05,55,ICE,Special,100,25,20,00,0,be,Cool,"A blast of super-chilled air strikes the opponent. Might cause freeze."
    479,DARKAURA,DARK AURA,36,0,DARK,Status,0,30,100,10,0,d,Cool,"An aura of malice surrounds the user. Sharply raises Special Defense."
    480,DIVEBOMB,DIVE BOMB,D8,120,FLYING,Physical,75,10,100,00,0,abe,Cool,"An attack from the sky at breakneck speeds. If miss, user suffers damage."
    481,AFTERBURN,AFTERBURN,94,80,FIRE,Special,90,15,0,00,0,e,Cool,"Smoldering ashes are formed under the opponent to burst into flame two turns later."
    482,AMBUSH,AMBUSH,9B,100,DARK,Physical,100,10,100,00,0,abe,Cool,"Hides deep within the shadows, to strike one turn later."
    483,DOOMSCYTHE,DOOM SCYTHE,6D,60,GHOST,Physical,100,15,10,00,0,abe,Cool,"An ethereal scythe cleaves the opponent. May cause curse."
    484,DRAGONGALE,DRAGON GALE,1C,50,DRAGON,Special,90,10,100,00,-10,be,Cool,"A giant storm comes and drags opponent away."
    485,BRIGHTSLASH,BRIGHT SLASH,00,60,LIGHT,Special,0,20,0,00,0,ab,Cool,"An unavoidable concentration of light energy strikes the opponent."
    486,CALMWIND,CALM WIND,DA,0,NORMAL,Status,0,5,100,01,0,,Cool,"A gentle breeze washes over the field, clearing all active weather effects."
    487,ZIGZAG,ZIGZAG,DB,0,NORMAL,Status,0,20,100,10,0,d,Cool,"User begins moving erratically, sharply lowering opponent’s accuracy while lowering user’s defense."
    488,WRATH,WRATH,96,120,LIGHT,Special,80,5,10,00,0,bce,Cool,"Intense holy energy engulfs opponent. Might cause flinch."
    489,WINDWHISTLE,WINDWHISTLE,DC,0,FLYING,Status,0,20,75,00,0,ce,Cool,"A shrill whistle sounds, piercing through the opponent's ears. Causes confusion, and may lower defense."
    490,UMBRAGE,UMBRAGE,4C,95,DARK,Special,100,10,10,00,0,bce,Cool,"Destructive thoughts are forcibly inserted into opponent’s mind. Might cause confusion."
    491,FLASHPUNCH,FLASH PUNCH,49,70,LIGHT,Physical,100,10,50,00,0,abce,Cool,"An intense strike to the eyes that may reduce accuracy."
    492,FLORALSTORM,FLORAL STORM,54,95,GRASS,Special,100,10,10,00,0,bce,Cool,"A tornado of flora envelops the opponent. Might cause seed."
    493,FOCUSSIGHT,FOCUS SIGHT,DD,0,BUG,Status,0,10,100,10,0,d,Cool,"User trains its eyes upon the opponent, improving its accuracy."
    494,FRICTION,FRICTION,45,60,ROCK,Physical,100,25,10,00,0,abce,Cool,"May lower opponent’s defense."
    495,TIDALWAVE,TIDAL WAVE,DE,10,WATER,Special,100,10,100,00,0,be,Cool,"A wall of water with varying intensity."
    496,FIREBALL,FIREBALL,DE,10,FIRE,Special,100,10,100,00,0,be,Cool,"User attacks with a fire orb of varying intensity."
    497,MEGAFRICTION,MEGAFRICTION,DF,120,ROCK,Physical,80,5,30,00,0,be,Cool,"Summons pillars of rock which strike the opponent at high speeds. May burn user."
    498,RIPTIDE,RIPTIDE,1C,50,WATER,Special,90,10,100,00,-10,be,Cool,"A deluge of water washes opponent away."
    499,LIGHTWAVE,LIGHT WAVE,49,60,LIGHT,Special,100,20,10,00,0,bce,Cool,"An intense wave of light energy washes over the opponent. Might lower accuracy."
    500,MAGICDUST,MAGIC DUST,F0,0,GRASS,Status,0,10,75,00,0,c,Cool,"A strange dust is scattered over the field, causing a random status effect."
    501,MAGNETBLAST,MAGNET BLAST,AA,150,STEEL,Special,100,10,100,00,0,abe,Cool,"An intense magnetic pulse that requires complete concentration to create."
    502,IRONFIST,IRON FIST,45,80,STEEL,Physical,100,15,10,00,0,abde,Cool,"Strikes with a fist as hard as iron. Might lower defense."
    503,MYSTICPOWER,MYSTIC POWER,35,0,PSYCHIC,Status,0,20,100,10,0,d,Cool,"User taps into mysterious inner power, sharply raising Special Attack."
    504,OVERLOAD,OVERLOAD,CC,140,ELECTRIC,Special,90,5,100,00,0,bce,Cool,"An intense discharge of electrical energy. Sharply lowers Special Attack."
    505,ICICLEWHIP,ICICLE WHIP,1F,70,ICE,Physical,100,15,30,00,0,abce,Cool,"Sharp icicles strike harshly across the opponent. Might cause flinch."
    506,QUICKBOLT,QUICKBOLT,00,40,ELECTRIC,Special,100,30,0,00,1,be,Cool,"A strong current of static electricity courses through the opponent before they can react."
    507,SQUALL,SQUALL,00,40,FLYING,Physical,100,30,0,00,1,abe,Cool,"Attacks with the speed of the wind."
    508,EQUILIBRIUM,EQUILIBRIUM,19,0,PSYCHIC,Status,0,0,100,01,0,,Cool,"Intense mind energy exerts a balancing influence over the battlefield."
    As you can see, a bunch of moves are already done. So what I was thinking was that we could look into the Essentials Wiki and pick out the Function Codes that correspond to each of the Topaz moves that aren't doing something completely new. We could then basically program all the simpler moves already and perhaps even figure out how to program some of the harder moves (Leithality was saying that the Alpha/Beta/Gamma/Delta moves were hard but may be possible because Sketch has a script to see if the user already has the move it's trying to copy, so you can use a similar script to check for other moves in your moveset).

    So, what do you think?

  2. #2
    Better Than That Guy
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    I'd be in, but for now I have exams :/

    EDIT: If pokessentials contains B/W moves aren't there moves which check the last used move too? Not sure how that'd help but I thought I'd throw it out there.

    EDIT 2: I think most of those are out-of-date. On the plus side Flare can be done relatively easy, just invoke Fury Cutter's effect.

    EDIT 3: Screw it, making a new post for these.
    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 06-24-12 at 10:35 PM.

  3. #3
    Better Than That Guy
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    So here they are! (Sans ID Number):
    FLARE,FLARE,91,10,FIRE,Special,95,20,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Attacks with a small burst of flame that increases in intensity."
    HOLYFIST,HOLY FIST,00,70,LIGHT,Physical,95,15,0,00,0,abefhj,Cool,"Strikes opponent with a fist infused with intense light energy. High critical hit ratio."
    INFERNO,INFERNO,CF,50,FIRE,Special,100,5,100,20,0,Cool,"A large ring of fire forms, damaging everyone on the field."
    POLARIZE,POLARIZE,EB,0,STEEL,Status,0,10,0,20,0,,Smart,"Strange magnetic energy strongly repels all Pokemon in battle."  // (May fail completely if ANY pokemon has ingrain/suction cups/etc, untested though)
    PURIFY,PURIFY,19,0,LIGHT,Status,0,5,0,01,0,egi,Smart,"A strong, soothing light washes over your team, removing all status afflictions." // (Currently also thaws a frozen user, remove "g" to prevent)
    SHINE,SHINE,48,40,LIGHT,Special,100,30,20,00,0,bef,Beauty,"Focuses a bright light upon opponent. May lower evasiveness."
    SMITE,SMITE,0F,95,LIGHT,Special,100,10,20,00,0,bef,Cool,"Strikes the foe with holy retribution. May cause flinch."
    SOULBURN,SOUL BURN,DD,60,FIRE,Special,100,5,100,0,bef,Tough,"A fierce attack from the depths of the user's soul."
    SPIRALKICK,SPIRAL KICK,91,18,NORMAL,Physical,85,15,100,00,0,abef,Tough,"A spiraling kick of progressing intensity." // Alt Mechanic
    TEMPER,TEMPER,D2,85,FIRE,Special,100,10,100,02,bef,Tough,"User goes on a fiery tantrum." // Reduced number of rounds to 2/3 because that's the only way I, with my limited knowledge, could work it. Also, unsure of Physical/Special Category (if it's physical set it so and add "a").
    Last edited by Black Temple Gaurdian; 06-24-12 at 11:07 PM.

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    Nice job! Temper is physical, so we'll have to change it. Spiral kick if I remember correctly had a unique effect, or was it changed to be more conventional? I thought that it basically was Rollout, except all on one turn and with increasingly low accuracy. EDIT: oh, so that's what you meant about Alt Mechanic. In that case yeah that's fine for now.

  5. #5
    Better Than That Guy
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    For the custom effects (e.g. Calm Wind) do we have the scripting for them?

  6. #6
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    Some of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    Badara completed these moves:
    Orion's Sword
    Delta Wave
    Calm Wind
    Doom Scythe
    Edit - apparently, these are bascially done too (easy changes from Delta Wave):
    Alpha Shock
    Beta Flame
    Gamma Spore

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    Better Than That Guy
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    Yes but do we HAVE the code for it?

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    Yes, those are the ones that have the code listed here: http://www.pokemontopaz.net/forums/s...a-s-Move-Codes

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    We actually have two codes for Calm Wind, since Leithality did it too.

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    Imma move this over to Staff Forums as I'm going to have to rewrite bits of the code we want hidden.
    EDIT: By move I mean create a new topic. Still don't have that sort of power *grumbles*.

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    Okay, the custom moves use the coding I posted (or mentioned a lack of) in the Staff Forum. Here's the first post of http://www.pokemontopaz.net/forums/s...65-Topaz-Moves
    560,AFTERBRUN,Afterburn,111,80,FIRE,Special,90,15,0,00,0,ef,Cool,"Smoldering ashes are formed under the opponent to burst into flame two turns later."
    561,ALPHASHOCK,Alpha Shock,135,50,ELECTRIC,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Shocks the opponent with a sphere of static electricity. Might cause paralysis."
    562,AMBUSH,Ambush,139,100,DARK,Physical,95,10,100,00,0,abef,Cool,"Hides deep within the shadows, to strike one turn later."
    563,AVALANCHE,Avalanche,FB,120,ICE,Physical,100,5,100,20,0,be,Cool,"A giant wall of snow crashes upon everybody on the field."
    564,BETAFLAME,Beta Flame,136,50,FIRE,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Sears the opponent with an intense heat. Might cause burn."
    565,BLACKHOLE,Black Hole,E0,250,DARK,Special,100,5,0,08,0,bef,Cool,"A giant mass of negative energy completely envelops the opponent. Causes user to faint."
    566,BLINDINGRAY,Blinding Ray,13A,0,LIGHT,Status,80,10,0,00,0,bce,Cool,"A ray of intense light blinds the opponent, sharply reducing accuracy."
    567,BRIGHTSLASH,Bright Slash,00,60,LIGHT,Special,0,20,0,00,0,bef,Cool,"An unavoidable concentration of light energy strikes the opponent."
    568,BUGBURN,Bug Burn,0A,70,BUG,Physical,85,15,30,00,0,abef,Cool,"Pierces the opponent with sharp teeth. Might cause burn."
    569,BURNOUT,Burnout,98,0,FIRE,Special,100,15,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Inflicts more damage when the user’s HP is down."
    570,CALMWIND,Calm Wind,13B,0,NORMAL,Status,0,5,100,01,0,,Cool,"A gentle breeze washes over the field, clearing all active weather effects."
    571,CASCADE,Cascade,13C,60,WATER,Special,100,10,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"If opponent is burned, this attack’s power doubles, but will remove the burn."
    572,CHERRYBOMB,Cherry Bomb,DC,80,GRASS,Special,90,15,20,00,0,bef,Cool,"Explosive seed pods are launched at the opponent. Might seed the opponent."
    573,CINDERS,Cinders,13D,0,FIRE,Status,0,20,0,01,0,e,Cool,"Scatters small cinders around the opponent."
    574,COLDWIND,Cold Wind,0C,55,ICE,Special,100,25,20,00,0,bef,Cool,"A blast of super-chilled air strikes the opponent. Might cause freeze."
    575,DARKAURA,Dark Aura,33,0,DARK,Status,0,30,100,10,0,de,Cool,"An aura of malice surrounds the user. Sharply raises Special Defense."
    576,DELTAWAVE,Delta Wave,138,50,WATER,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"A short blast of water washes over opponent. Might cause confusion."
    577,DIVEBOMB,Dive Bomb,13E,120,FLYING,Physical,75,10,100,00,0,abefl,Cool,"An attack from the sky at breakneck speeds. If miss, user suffers damage."
    578,DOOMSCYTHE,Doom Scythe,13F,60,GHOST,Physical,100,15,10,00,0,abef,Cool,"An ethereal scythe cleaves the opponent. May cause curse."
    579,DRAGONGALE,Dragon Gale,EB,50,DRAGON,Special,90,10,100,00,-6,bef,Cool,"A giant storm comes and drags the opponent away."
    580,NIGHTFALL,Nightfall,140,0,DARK,Status,0,5,100,01,0,,Cool,"A large object appears to obscure the sun, flooding the field in darkness for 5 turns."
    581,ENLIGHTEN,Enlighten,141,0,LIGHT,Status,0,5,0,10,0,de,Cool,"User achieves a new realm of understanding, raising all stats. Must rechange next turn."
    582,EQUILIBRIUM,Equilibrium,051,0,PSYCHIC,Status,0,10,100,20,0,,Beauty,"Intense mind energy exerts a balancing influence over the battlefield."
    583,FAULTLINE,Fault Line,142,180,GROUND,SPECIALPHYSICAL,55,5,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"User takes 1/2 recoil. If miss, user takes 1/3 recoil."
    584,FIREBATH,Fire Bath,143,0,FIRE,Status,0,20,100,10,0,d,Smart,"Raises internal body temperature to do more damage next turn."
    585,FIREBALL,Fireball,144,0,FIRE,Special,100,30,100,00,0,Cool,"User attacks with a fire orb of varying intensity."
    586,FLARE,Flare,91,10,FIRE,Special,95,20,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Attacks with a small burst of flame that increases in intensity."
    587,FLASHPUNCH,Flash Punch,47,70,LIGHT,Physical,85,10,50,00,0,abefj,Cool,"An intense strike to the eyes that may reduce accuracy."
    588,FLORALSTORM,Floral Storm,DC,95,GRASS,Special,100,10,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"A tornado of flora envelops the opponent. Might cause seed."
    589,FOCUSSIGHT,Focus Sight,145,0,BUG,Status,0,10,100,10,0,de,Cool,"User trains its eyes upon the opponent, improving its accuracy."
    590,FRICTION,Friction,43,60,ROCK,Physical,100,25,10,00,0,abef,Cool,"May lower opponent's defense."
    591,GAMMASPORE,Gamma Spore,137,50,GRASS,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Launches a spore which opens upon contact. Might cause posion."
    592,GRAVITYBOND,Gravity Bond,146,0,STEEL,Status,0,10,100,10,0,de,Cool,"An intense magnetic attraction forms between user and the earth, securing the user to the field."
    593,HOLYFIST,Holy Fist,00,70,LIGHT,Physical,95,15,0,00,0,abefhj,Cool,"Strikes opponent with a fist infused with intense light energy. High critical hit ratio."
    594,ICICLEWHIP,Icicle Whip,0F,70,ICE,Physical,100,15,30,00,0,bef,Cool,"Sharp icicles strike harshly across the opponent. Might cause flinch."
    595,INFERNO,Inferno,CF,50,FIRE,Special,100,5,100,20,0,Cool,"A large ring of fire forms, damaging everyone on the field."
    596,INITIATIVE,Initiative,147,0,NORMAL,Status,0,5,100,10,0,de,Cool,"User focuses body to become faster than time itself, ensuring its next move hits first."
    597,IRONFIST,Iron Fist,43,80,STEEL,Physical,100,15,10,00,0,abefj,Cool,"Strikes with a fist as hard as iron. Might lower defense."
    598,LIGHTWAVE,Light Wave,47,60,LIGHT,Special,100,20,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"An intense wave of light energy washes over the opponent. Might lower accuracy."
    599,MAGICDUST,Magic Dust,148,0,GRASS,Status,75,10,100,20,0,bce,Cool,"A strange dust is scattered over the field, causing a random status effect."
    600,MAGNETBLAST,Magnet Blast,115,150,STEEL,Special,100,10,100,00,0,bf,Cool,"An intense magnetic pulse that requires complete concentration to create."
    601,MARIONETTE,Marionette,149,0,GHOST,Physical,100,10,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"A mysterious puppet appears to strike at false opponents."
    602,MEGAFRICTION,Megafriction,14A,120,ROCK,Physical,80,5,30,00,0,bef,Cool,"Summons pillars of rock which strike the opponent at high speeds. May burn user."
    603,MYSTICPOWER,Mystic Power,32,0,PSYCHIC,Status,0,20,100,10,0,de,Cool,"User taps into mysterious inner power, sharply raising Special Attack."
    604,ORIONSWORD,Orion Sword,133,0,LIGHT,Physical,100,20,100,00,0,abef,Cool,"Damage depends upon user's and foe's happiness."
    605,OVERLOAD,Overload,3F,140,ELECTRIC,Special,90,5,100,10,0,bef,Cool,"An intense discharge of electrical energy. Sharply lowers Special Attack."
    606,POLARIZE,Polarize,EB,0,STEEL,Status,0,10,0,20,0,,Smart,"Strange magnetic energy strongly repels all Pokemon in battle."
    607,SPECTRALRAY,Spectral Ray,14B,100,LIGHT,Special,95,19,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Harnesses intense energy for one turn to release on the next. May cause burn."
    608,PURIFY,Purify,19,0,LIGHT,Status,0,5,0,01,0,egi,Beauty,"A strong, soothing light washes over your team, removing all status afflictions."
    609,QUICKBOLT,Quickbolt,00,40,ELECTRIC,Special,100,30,0,00,1,bef,Cool,"A strong current of static electricity courses through the opponent before they can react."

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    Really great work BTG. This is awesome

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    I've also got the second post done but it contains a lot of custom effects that have yet to be programmed. Also; Venom Strike - What's the HP boundaries and there appropriate poison%, Fault Line - Is it special or physical and what should it say when it misses?

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    Hmm, how about "The ground broke beneath POKEMONNAME'S feet!" It should probably be Physical because it's reminiscent of Earthquake. It used to be a support move before so that's why it was never decided.

    How about this for Venom strike:
    10% at 100%
    20% at 75%
    30% at 50%
    40% at 25%
    50% at 12.5%

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Temple Gaurdian View Post
    I've also got the second post done but it contains a lot of custom effects that have yet to be programmed.
    Can you post those anyways? We can add the effects later.

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    Better Than That Guy
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    Sigh. This thread has been abandoned to me for a while as it was moved to Staff Forums, the .txt being fully complete and only 7-9 moves that don't work as intended- and 1 or 2 that do have a temporary replacement, or incomplete, effect.

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Temple Gaurdian View Post
    And with that said!
    560,AFTERBRUN,Afterburn,153,80,FIRE,Special,90,15,100,00,0,ef,Cool,"Smoldering ashes are formed under the opponent to burst into flame two turns later."
    561,ALPHASHOCK,Alpha Shock,135,50,ELECTRIC,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Shocks the opponent with a sphere of static electricity. Might cause paralysis."
    562,AMBUSH,Ambush,139,100,DARK,Physical,95,10,100,00,0,abef,Cool,"Hides deep within the shadows, to strike one turn later."
    563,AVALANCHE,Avalanche,FB,120,ICE,Physical,100,5,100,20,0,be,Cool,"A giant wall of snow crashes upon everybody on the field."
    564,BETAFLAME,Beta Flame,136,50,FIRE,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Sears the opponent with an intense heat. Might cause burn."
    565,BLACKHOLE,Black Hole,E0,250,DARK,Special,100,5,0,08,0,bef,Cool,"A giant mass of negative energy completely envelops the opponent. Causes user to faint."
    566,BLINDINGRAY,Blinding Ray,13A,0,LIGHT,Status,80,10,0,00,0,bce,Cool,"A ray of intense light blinds the opponent, sharply reducing accuracy."
    567,BRIGHTSLASH,Bright Slash,00,60,LIGHT,Special,0,20,0,00,0,bef,Cool,"An unavoidable concentration of light energy strikes the opponent."
    568,BUGBURN,Bug Burn,0A,70,BUG,Physical,85,15,30,00,0,abef,Cool,"Pierces the opponent with sharp teeth. Might cause burn."
    569,BURNOUT,Burnout,98,0,FIRE,Special,100,15,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Inflicts more damage when the user’s HP is down."
    570,CALMWIND,Calm Wind,13B,0,NORMAL,Status,0,5,100,01,0,,Cool,"A gentle breeze washes over the field, clearing all active weather effects."
    571,CASCADE,Cascade,13C,60,WATER,Special,100,10,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"If opponent is burned, this attack’s power doubles, but will remove the burn."
    572,CHERRYBOMB,Cherry Bomb,DC,80,GRASS,Special,90,15,20,00,0,bef,Cool,"Explosive seed pods are launched at the opponent. Might seed the opponent."
    573,CINDERS,Cinders,13D,0,FIRE,Status,0,20,0,01,0,e,Cool,"Scatters small cinders around the opponent."
    574,COLDWIND,Cold Wind,0C,55,ICE,Special,100,25,20,00,0,bef,Cool,"A blast of super-chilled air strikes the opponent. Might cause freeze."
    575,DARKAURA,Dark Aura,33,0,DARK,Status,0,30,100,10,0,de,Cool,"An aura of malice surrounds the user. Sharply raises Special Defense."
    576,DELTAWAVE,Delta Wave,138,50,WATER,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"A short blast of water washes over opponent. Might cause confusion."
    577,DIVEBOMB,Dive Bomb,13E,120,FLYING,Physical,75,10,100,00,0,abefl,Cool,"An attack from the sky at breakneck speeds. If miss, user suffers damage."
    578,DOOMSCYTHE,Doom Scythe,13F,60,GHOST,Physical,100,15,10,00,0,abef,Cool,"An ethereal scythe cleaves the opponent. May cause curse."
    579,DRAGONGALE,Dragon Gale,EB,50,DRAGON,Special,90,10,100,00,-6,bef,Cool,"A giant storm comes and drags the opponent away."
    580,NIGHTFALL,Nightfall,140,0,DARK,Status,0,5,100,01,0,,Cool,"A large object appears to obscure the sun, flooding the field in darkness for 5 turns."
    581,ENLIGHTEN,Enlighten,141,0,LIGHT,Status,0,5,0,10,0,de,Cool,"User achieves a new realm of understanding, raising all stats. Must rechange next turn."
    582,EQUILIBRIUM,Equilibrium,051,0,PSYCHIC,Status,0,10,100,20,0,,Beauty,"Intense mind energy exerts a balancing influence over the battlefield."
    583,FAULTLINE,Fault Line,142,180,GROUND,Physical 	,55,5,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"User takes 1/2 recoil. If miss, user takes 1/3 recoil."
    584,FIREBATH,Fire Bath,143,0,FIRE,Status,0,20,100,10,0,d,Smart,"Raises internal body temperature to do more damage next turn."
    585,FIREBALL,Fireball,144,0,FIRE,Special,100,30,100,00,0,Cool,"User attacks with a fire orb of varying intensity."
    586,FLARE,Flare,91,10,FIRE,Special,95,20,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Attacks with a small burst of flame that increases in intensity."
    587,FLASHPUNCH,Flash Punch,47,70,LIGHT,Physical,85,10,50,00,0,abefj,Cool,"An intense strike to the eyes that may reduce accuracy."
    588,FLORALSTORM,Floral Storm,DC,95,GRASS,Special,100,10,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"A tornado of flora envelops the opponent. Might cause seed."
    589,FOCUSSIGHT,Focus Sight,145,0,BUG,Status,0,10,100,10,0,de,Cool,"User trains its eyes upon the opponent, improving its accuracy."
    590,FRICTION,Friction,43,60,ROCK,Physical,100,25,10,00,0,abef,Cool,"May lower opponent's defense."
    591,GAMMASPORE,Gamma Spore,137,50,GRASS,Special,100,15,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Launches a spore which opens upon contact. Might cause posion."
    592,GRAVITYBOND,Gravity Bond,146,0,STEEL,Status,0,10,100,10,0,de,Cool,"An intense magnetic attraction forms between user and the earth, securing the user to the field."
    593,HOLYFIST,Holy Fist,00,70,LIGHT,Physical,95,15,0,00,0,abefhj,Cool,"Strikes opponent with a fist infused with intense light energy. High critical hit ratio."
    594,ICICLEWHIP,Icicle Whip,0F,70,ICE,Physical,100,15,30,00,0,bef,Cool,"Sharp icicles strike harshly across the opponent. Might cause flinch."
    595,INFERNO,Inferno,CF,50,FIRE,Special,100,5,100,20,0,Cool,"A large ring of fire forms, damaging everyone on the field."
    596,INITIATIVE,Initiative,147,0,NORMAL,Status,0,5,100,10,0,de,Cool,"User focuses body to become faster than time itself, ensuring its next move hits first."
    597,IRONFIST,Iron Fist,43,80,STEEL,Physical,100,15,10,00,0,abefj,Cool,"Strikes with a fist as hard as iron. Might lower defense."
    598,LIGHTWAVE,Light Wave,47,60,LIGHT,Special,100,20,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"An intense wave of light energy washes over the opponent. Might lower accuracy."
    599,MAGICDUST,Magic Dust,148,0,GRASS,Status,75,10,100,20,0,bce,Cool,"A strange dust is scattered over the field, causing a random status effect."
    600,MAGNETBLAST,Magnet Blast,115,150,STEEL,Special,100,10,100,00,0,bf,Cool,"An intense magnetic pulse that requires complete concentration to create."
    601,MARIONETTE,Marionette,149,0,GHOST,Physical,100,10,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"A mysterious puppet appears to strike at false opponents."
    602,MEGAFRICTION,Megafriction,14A,120,ROCK,Physical,80,5,30,00,0,bef,Cool,"Summons pillars of rock which strike the opponent at high speeds. May burn user."
    603,MYSTICPOWER,Mystic Power,32,0,PSYCHIC,Status,0,20,100,10,0,de,Cool,"User taps into mysterious inner power, sharply raising Special Attack."
    604,ORIONSWORD,Orion Sword,133,0,LIGHT,Physical,100,20,100,00,0,abef,Cool,"Damage depends upon user's and foe's happiness."
    605,OVERLOAD,Overload,3F,140,ELECTRIC,Special,90,5,100,10,0,bef,Cool,"An intense discharge of electrical energy. Sharply lowers Special Attack."
    606,POLARIZE,Polarize,EB,0,STEEL,Status,0,10,0,20,0,,Smart,"Strange magnetic energy strongly repels all Pokemon in battle."
    607,SPECTRALRAY,Spectral Ray,14B,100,LIGHT,Special,95,19,100,00,0,bef,Cool,"Harnesses intense energy for one turn to release on the next. May cause burn."
    608,PURIFY,Purify,19,0,LIGHT,Status,0,5,0,01,0,egi,Beauty,"A strong, soothing light washes over your team, removing all status afflictions."
    609,QUICKBOLT,Quickbolt,00,40,ELECTRIC,Special,100,30,0,00,1,bef,Cool,"A strong current of static electricity courses through the opponent before they can react."
    610,RIPTIDE,Riptide,EB,50,WATER,Special,90,10,100,00,-6,bef,Cool,"A deluge of water washes opponent away."
    611,ROCKETPUNCH,Rocket Punch,134,0,DARK,Physical,90,10,100,00,0,abefj,Cool,"Damage depends upon user's and foe's happiness."
    612,SACRIFICE,Sacrifice,14C,0,LIGHT,Status,0,5,100,10,0,,Cool,"User sacrifices life essence to restore health to another."
    613,SERENADE,Serenade,14D,0,LIGHT,Status,0,10,100,40,0,bek,Cool,"Soothing music spreads across the field, quelling battle spirit."
    614,SHINE,Shine,48,40,LIGHT,Special,100,30,20,00,0,bef,Beauty,"Focuses a bright light upon opponent. May lower evasiveness."
    615,SMITE,Smite,0F,95,LIGHT,Special,100,10,20,00,0,bef,Cool,"Strikes the foe with holy retribution. May cause flinch."
    616,SOLARFLARE,Solar Flare,14E,100,FIRE,Special,100,10,30,00,0,bef,Cool,"Gathers intense heat to strike next turn. May cause burn."
    617,SOOTHESONG,Soothe Song,14F,0,NORMAL,Status,90,40,100,08,0,ek,Cool,"A sweet song plays to calm even the most focused, frenzied spirits."
    618,SOULBURN,Soul Burn,DD,60,FIRE,Special,100,5,100,00,0,bef,Tough,"A fierce attack from the depths of the user's soul."
    619,SPIKEWALL,Spike Wall,150,0,STEEL,Status,0,10,100,40,0,e,Cool,"A wall of spikes is set up in front of the user."
    620,SPIRALKICK,Spiral Kick,91,18,NORMAL,Physical,85,15,100,00,0,abef,Tough,"A spiraling kick of progressing intensity."
    621,SQUALL,Squall,00,40,FLYING,Physical,100,10,0,00,1,abef,Beauty,"Attacks with the speed of the wind."
    622,STATRONOME,Statronome,151,0,NORMAL,Status,0,10,100,10,0,de,Smart,"A mystical finger wags in the air, randomly raising or lowering a stat one or two levels."
    623,TEMPER,Temper,152,85,FIRE,Special,100,10,100,02,0,bef,Tough,"User goes on a fiery tantrum."
    624,TEMPEST,Tempest,77,80,FLYING,Special,100,10,100,04,0,bef,Tough,"A blistering windstorm ravages opponents."
    625,TERRASTRIKE,Terra Strike,153,80,GROUND,Special,90,15,100,00,0,bef,Tough,"Seismic waves are transmitted through the ground to erupt two turns later."
    626,TIDALWAVE,Tidal Wave,144,0,WATER,Special,100,10,100,00,0,bef,Beauty,"A wall of water with varying intensity."
    627,UMBRAGE,Umbrage,13,95,DARK,Special,100,10,10,00,0,bef,Smart,"Destructive thoughts are forcibly inserted into opponent’s mind. Might cause confusion."
    628,VENOMSTRIKE,Venom Strike,154,50,POISON,Physical,90,15,100,00,0,abef,Cool,"A strike that becomes more venomous the lower the user’s HP gets."
    629,WATERWALL,Water Wall,155,0,WATER,Status,0,10,20,0,,Cool,"Creates a mystical wall of water that protects against the elements."
    630,WINDWHISTLE,Windwhistle,156,0,FLYING,Status,75,20,100,04,0,bcek,Smart,"A shrill whistle sounds, piercing through the opponent's ears. Causes confusion, and may lower defense."
    631,WRATH,Wrath,0F,120,LIGHT,Special,80,5,10,00,0,bef,Cool,"Intense holy energy engulfs opponent. Might cause flinch."
    632,ZIGZAG,Zigzag,157,0,NORMAL,Status,100,20,100,04,0,de,Cool,"User begins moving erratically, sharply lowering opponent’s accuracy while lowering user’s defense."
    Ever single god-damn move regardless of weather it has a dummy effect or not.

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    Oops. Guess I looked in the wrong thread then. I checked at least 2 other moves threads. We have too many of them. Thanks!

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