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Thread: Chapbook

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    Default Chapbook

    For my Writer's Craft final summative this year, we made a chapbook consisting of several pieces we created in and out of class. A chapbook is a self-published (in my case it involved printing everything two on one page landscape format then gluing together the pages :/) collection of writing and short stories that share a common thread and go along some kind of progression. I thought I'd post mine up because, hey, why not?

    Mine was called What Goes Unnoticed. I've posted the critical introduction and just the first couple of pieces because otherwise it gets kind of long. I'll post more up if people respond favourably, or if anyone expresses interest in something in the table of contents.


    Table of Contents

    I. Just a thought

    II. Worthless

    III. The Games We Played

    IV. Unsatisfied

    V. Dear Stranger

    VI. Excerpt from Whispers of the City

    VII. Vagabond

    VIII. Madman's Ravings

    IX. What the Beggar Sings About
    Last edited by ImmunityBow; 02-04-12 at 08:05 AM.

  2. #2
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    Those were very interesting. It made me think. And not in a bad way. Can't wait for you to post the rest!

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    Those are very good! I really want to read that second-person one you talked about in the introduction.

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    Oh dear, that reminds me. The second person perspective one is heavily based on my massive art independent this year. I better get up to posting those up first XD. Thanks for the praise, guys. I'll probably get around to posting a few more of them up everyone once in a while.

  5. #5
    Blade Flight's Avatar
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    So, this is kinda like a...a diary, kinda?

  6. #6
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    Not really. Just a collection of writings. It's similar to say, East West by Salman Rushdie or Tales of Beedle the Bard, except that the author must publish it him or herself.

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    By the way, I think that I am in love with your vocabulary.

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    Heh, for a long time, that was the only good thing about my writing. I'd trade it away for the power to write a good extended conversation, that's the plague on my existence. And NaNo, as it were.

    I added the next two in the original post. On another note, here's a little something my cousin showed me that's relevant:
    Next time, in promulgating your esoteric cogitations, articulating superficial sentimentalities or enunciating amicable, philosophical or psychological observations, eschew all hackneyed bromides and platitudinous ponderosity.

    Firefox tells me two of those words are made up. Dictionary.com tells me that only one is.

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    I'm not going to try and understand that, or else my brain might explode. Anyway, about "The Games We Played" and "Unsatisfied", I refer you to my last post.

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    You are very good at adapting to different tones and styles of writing to match the main character or narrator. Very impressive!

  11. #11
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    Added two more. Whispers of the City was my NaNo, in case anyone wonders.

    About the above complex sentence: it boils down to "speak simply".

  12. #12
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    Very good! I have one question about "Dear Stranger". Where is the writer of the letter? He was talking about drifting over things, but then notes that he is a few kilometres away from Everest. How can he both be moving and not at the same time? I'm confused.

  13. #13
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    The writer of the letter is on a cloud. As for moving and not moving, the intention was that he is describing his everyday life, so at some point he could be drifting, and but at the moment he's near Mt. Everest.

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    Ok, I had the impression of a cloud, but I wasn't sure if he WAS the cloud or was ON it.

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    Added two more. These two were written from writing prompts, which are italicized.

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    #7 was really sad, but still very good. I liked #8 alot. It was short but meaningful.

  17. #17
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    X. An Extraordinary Pheonomenon

    Added 9 and 10, and the OP is too long, so adding 11 here. 11 is the one that requires some additional material, so I'm going to post that at some point before the final two.

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    So, what are the people in An Extraordinary Phenomenon? Are they fish people? Also, you accidentally repeated a whole paragraph in What the Beggar Sings about. I don't know why, but An Extrodinary Phenomenon is my favourite.

  19. #19
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    I never really gave thought to who exactly were the people in An Extraordinary Phenomenon. I was just focusing on the reactions of people for whom the concept of breathing is entirely foreign. Glad you like it, though.

  20. #20
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    XI. Goodbye

    XII. The Angel's Crown

    And there are the last two. If yo need an explanation for Goodbye, it goes with my storybook The Flying Ship.

  21. #21
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    I enjoyed Goodbye. It had a lot of emotion in it, but it seemed very natural; for some reason, it's hard to capture complicated emotions in writing.

    I'm not quite sure what to take from The Angel's Crown. I typically think of arrogance when I hear of pride and "To prove he was right", but the subject of the poem seems like a good person. Was there any message you were trying to communicate there?

  22. #22
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    We all have certain measures of pride and arrogance, even good people. I don't really have that clear a message either, though this one is probably something about tunnel vision.

  23. #23
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    i wish i could write in the same league as you IB. you are a great writer, going from different perspectives and emotional settings like a walk in the park. keep it up!

  24. #24
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    Thank you, that makes me very happy. Now I need to work on writing longer pieces...

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