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Thread: State of Topaz: August 5th, 2010

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    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Default State of Topaz: August 5th, 2010

    It's been a while since I last wrote an SoT, no? Anyhow, lots of stuff has happened since then, let's get started!

    Let's start off with a nice piece of art from puppytoast, Blitzfaust!

    Okay, now that you've been treated to that piece of eye candy let's move on to the news:

    Unfortunately zeroality has left us to pursue a career in web design. While this is a huge blow to us this is a great opportunity for him so wish him well with his life! neon, while technically a temporary admin, has been staying on for the past while to offer his leadership experience and informed opinion.

    Among the Topaz Central forums, a pretty large storyline rehaul has been taking place, things are going to be changed and remade to make more sense, be better in general and the plot will probably be 3 or 4 dimensional this time rather than the 2 dimensions it's been skirting for so long. I'll keep everyone not in on it updated on this forum, several characters (Simon, Bradley and Willow especially) have had major backstory changes and are sure to be much more interesting characters now!

    In the Pokemon Topaz forum, we've had plenty of progress in the past few months. Thanks to Quinn, zeroality and MewLoverEX' hard work we've basically gotten Shiny sprites for each Pokemon except Kraklaw, whose sprite we still are in the process of revamping. It was rough but it was done in record time due to the enthusiasm of all involved.

    Reliabilty, on the other hand, has provided us with a full 16 backsprites, an endeavour that is certainly worthy of praise, especially with the quality of some of them. We'll just have to see if he managed to make his goal of 30 this summer! Of course, he needs feedback and people to help edit his sprites to make sure they're all up to the high standards that Topaz fortunately/unfortunately has, so check them out here. Here are some of the gems, just to showcase:

    The Graphics Forum has had enough activity that I can't actually link and comment on all of them separately, so I'll just list them out and you can check them out at your leisure:
    Quinn has created a music player interface
    Quinn, neon, BTG and others have been working on some excellent maps, in particular Roothaven City, Dynamo Gardens, Colossus City, Abaddon Swamp and some other nice routes.
    MewLoverEX has made some nice overworlds for the demo
    Quinn has also been working on plenty of trainer sprites

    Along with what's been done, however, comes a request. Move. Animations. These are so important for the demo and we haven't really had much progress on them. Read the tutorial and try to make some, it's fun people! This is the single most important thing we need right now, I'm going to keep stressing this as we go on with the summer.

    On the sound side of things, STT has been gracing us with some awesome music arrangements, which are available for download, along with everything else we have sound-wise. These are linked in this handy topic

    In Moves/Items, other things have been stirring. The Little Corrections Topic has been remade and opened. Feel free to post anything you feel is off or that could be changed for discussion.

    We've also been working on some item sprites, of which several seem to be working. Here are some:
    Burning Coal:
    Blessed Ankh:
    Plain Stone and Magma Stone:
    Dairy Incense:
    Iron Incense:
    Resist Scarf:
    Calopa Berry:
    Storm Ball:
    Solar Ball:
    Arctic Stone:

    While revamps aren't super high priority right now since all the ones needed for the demo are done, for those who are interested, the Clefairy Line and the Slo Line are undergoing revamps and require opinions. If you want to do something but can't seem to find anywhere you can help, here's the place for you.

    As for Pokedex Entries, Tauros, Miltank, Misdreavus, Spoink, Growlithe, Ampharos, Mareep, Sandshrew, Grumpig, Flaafy, Pineco, Arcanine, Murkrow and Forretress were done in the past 4 months. However, their momentum has been petering out. I think most of the demo-related ones are done by now but there's lots more to be done for the full game. Feel free to come and contribute here!

    A few things in Topaz need renaming, which is precisely what the Renaming topic is for. The current discussion is about renames for the blandly named Frost Town and Champion's Tower. Current winners seem to be Las Nieves/San Nieva and Dream/Triumph Spire. Disagree? Voice your opinion!

    And of course, the Suggestions topic has been receiving lots of activity lately, mainly discussion about interspersing the gym leaders better and balancing the game competitively. However, I must add that when suggesting something that would require a fair amount of discussion, it's a lot more efficient to make your own topic in Topaz General or any relevant forum, so your suggestion doesn't get lost in the huge topic.

    So, I'm sure there's been some stuff that I've missed, but the main gist of things is there. If you have any questions, just put them up here. Thanks for sticking by!

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    aut vincere aut mori
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    A while ago, I told you guys that I would ask my friends on Pokecommunity about getting the canon move animations. I have returned with some odd results. It seems that every person I know is either not implementing any move animations in their game, or the topic has not come up. Even famous completed fangames like the otherwise awesome Pokemon Raptor EX do not have them. So frankly, we are back to square one with those if we want to do them.

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    Nicely done! Though you failed to mention the Gym leader Lineup discussion going on in Topaz General.
    NINJA! <-- Click here for Profile.
    Over here is the thread.--> ADVENCHA'!

  4. #4
    Thats what she said
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    Busy Quinn! They say there is calm before the storm. That storm just happened. What happens again though you ask, another calm. And that is what I'm goin through. Here there will be calm, but in my real life that storm is still goin.

    I'm really starting to talk bout my cabinet company, along with the fact that I'm working on getting a job, licence, along with school starting, and I'm gonna be making a Curio Cabinet, a dresser, and a leaf table this year. These are all gonna be outta my own personal design, so I'll be drafting them all up. To add to that, I'll have my Skills USA tournaments, and my Social life. All of this is gonna make me "Disappear" lets per say. Along with the fact that lately, I've just been a bitch and am not getting along too well with everyone...I'm dissapearing from time to time. I will check here sometimes, though I mostly cant stay long. Edits will take time, so I will post all of my stuff (up to date tilesets, titlescreen, sprites, yeah) somewhere so while I'm busy, stuff can still go on.

    ^If you read that whole thing, I did spill the beans a bit on my "disappearing". I will say this though. When that Kraklaw's sprite is confirmed, you shiny creator people better bring hell against me. You dont wanna see me with 80 something plus shinies on my side, now do you ? That being said, I WILL bring hell back. I've got my eye on the prize!
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  5. #5
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    Also, this is a reminder from your friendly neighborhood super-Buizel that I need C&C on the cries available to the public. There is currently not much there, but I'll be adding some soon, I think!

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    is zero leavin' us for good?
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    I has X, Looking for Y stones, will trade for good stuff.

  7. #7
    ImmunityBow's Avatar
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    Yes, zero has left indefinitely. I'm sure he'll visit once in a while, I don't think it's possible to get all that Pokerealm and Pokemon Topaz out of his system.

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    come on!!
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  9. #9
    Thats what she said
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    I dont think this is the time or place to be saying this. As most of you know from my other post, I'm busy. I said until friday I would be able to be on here again. Time has struck. I know I'm definetly no "zeroality", but he isnt the only one that is leaving. Yes. The number one poster ( . Yep, 12-- posts ) is leaving. Forever though? Thats where I'm different. I will be comming back as much as I can. Knowing that though stuff from me is gonna be UBER slow. Thats why I'm going to be sending my "TOPAZ" file to my AWESOME new friend MLE, to the guy who started me off, RP, or to IB. I need to see which one could use it the most, and stuff though.
    *In that folder will be EVERYTHING! All our sprites (old and new), all my trainers, the title screen, move animation stuff, maps, the HUGE tilesets etc.

    I'm actually starting to see a possible path for me. Within my "game design" and "woodworking" dreams, they are starting to become possible. With that though comes more on my part as well.

    This is goodbye for the time. If you see me online, it probably wont be for long. I'll find all times possible though.

    Lol. Hope ya'll miss me. And at this ending, there is also new opportunities to many people. With my leaving, there will need to be a new mapper...(hopes BTG and neon can help me)

    My sprites I wanna see become PERFECT. I know Neon, Mewlover *I will always love "our" bug gym leader lolz*, Immunity Bow (I have yet to figure out who Cheng is ), and Idk if I'm still a friend in your eyes, but you are still Raging-P.

    Lol. I think my alternate clone will have fun being the "me" here Just think...I am you in the next life jk. You/I better get a good job

    Last, there are 2 people I wanna thank.

    Of course, you all know one.
    R-Primape. *Feels weird calling you that, now that I'm leaving*. If you never answered that message from the little starting person...I would have probably became the same as many other people. Join and never return. I've said this a billion times already. but he is the reason I actually got somewhere. Sure, my start wasn't the greatest, but hey; look what I've made? (Title screen, 80-something confirmed shiny sprites, trainers, moves, etc) Yeah, people know we have had heated arguments, but were guys. We might be annoyed one second and the next we are just fine again. Thank you. If I could ever actually repay you, like actually me, I would. We know that has a 1/1000000 chance though.

    2. Mewlover *it feels even weirder saying that, knowing I know ur name.* Its weird how friendships start isn't it??? Ours started off with a hot redheaded singer . Like I said in my have done SOOOOO much more for me than you know. You gave me a friend when I was alone. Talking about everything and anything. We didn't have to hold back one bit! If it wasn't for you, I would have "dissapeared" from the site without saying anything. And alot earlier. And for good. I said alot more in my email, both more detailed, in the good way and the bad way. (I'm still SOOOOOO sorry for "that"!) Again I say... Thank you. If I could ever actually repay you, like actually me, I would. We know that has a 1/1000000 chance though.

    So. this is what I "couldn't talk about" when I said I was gonna be on and off before, it was cause I didn't know how to say this.

    This might be just a game to some, but I actually have grown some emotion. Its sad right now. There is only 2 other games EVER I have had emotional growth on. That was my Silver and Gold, with my little bro. (before he was taken by his damn father. I WILL find my brother someday! That man can't hide him forever.)

    Alright. This is it! Like I said, I'm not leaving forever, but my dreams and "wishes" are starting to become possible. With that, I have enter the darkness headstrong. Only then with enough work, I will be able to achieve.

    I WILL be back someday. For all you know, sometime later in the year, I might come on and post a LOAD of stuff .

    Goodbye to all. I'm sorry to all and everyone that I have made feel bad, have argued with, or anything in the sort. Remember, this is a start for many more.

    This will definitely be coming from left field to some. The only people I think this wont be a surprise to is IB and MLE. If anyone wants to continue to "strongly" talk to me, my yahoo is on my account *I think. If not, ask MLE or IB. I'm not posting it for the public to see.
    Last edited by Quinn; 08-07-10 at 03:25 AM.
    DO U LIKE WATER????? then u like 75% of me.

    Water type is the god of all. Johto will always be the best region ever (though topaz's Caldera & Kirant will be 2nd)

  10. #10
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    aw quinn!
    your leavin' too?!
    this is inhuman!
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  11. #11
    Better Than That Guy
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    Yes Quinn, you're leaving. Please stop telling us in every thread, it gets tiresome.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Temple Gaurdian 750 View Post
    Yes Quinn, you're leaving. Please stop telling us in every thread, it gets tiresome.
    I have a comeback to this, but it's not very nice, so I won't say it. I WILL say, however, that that is backseat modding and that you've been doing it quite a bit, BTG. Please stop with THAT.

  13. #13
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    Alright, good luck with your work and life Quinn. We're still here whenever you feeling like visiting or spending time or anything!

  14. #14
    Better Than That Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by PikangX View Post
    I have a comeback to this, but it's not very nice, so I won't say it. I WILL say, however, that that is backseat modding and that you've been doing it quite a bit, BTG. Please stop with THAT.
    Backseat modding? Ha. No. Simply telling him that it's getting tiresome, every new post I see he's going.

    Anyway, sorry to see you go Zero.

  15. #15
    aut vincere aut mori
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    Now now, can't we just wish him good luck and not argue? There's a pm in your inbox Q.

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    Yay! Finally a new SoT!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyndadile View Post
    Yay! Finally a new SoT!
    Also, in zero's absence, I'll be taking over the Facebook group... again.

  18. #18
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    Blitzfaust looks amazing.

    zero and Quinn... you will both definitely be missed.

    2. Mewlover *it feels even weirder saying that, knowing I know ur name.* Its weird how friendships start isn't it??? Ours started off with a hot redheaded singer . Like I said in my have done SOOOOO much more for me than you know. You gave me a friend when I was alone. Talking about everything and anything. We didn't have to hold back one bit! If it wasn't for you, I would have "dissapeared" from the site without saying anything. And alot earlier. And for good. I said alot more in my email, both more detailed, in the good way and the bad way. (I'm still SOOOOOO sorry for "that"!) Again I say... Thank you. If I could ever actually repay you, like actually me, I would. We know that has a 1/1000000 chance though.
    It was my pleasure. I hope we can still IM, and that you'll drop by Topaz when you can find the time. Until then, goodbye.

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    Not entirely related to the SoT, but related to Zero's leaving:

    Quote Originally Posted by Topaz Admin Team
    Hello _________, welcome to the Pokemon Topaz community! To get you started, you may want to check out the Topaz FAQ and the forum rules.

    If you have any questions, feel free to post in the Questions thread or contact one of the staff members listed below. Enjoy your stay!

    ImmunityBow (Topaz Project Leader)
    zeroality (Site/Forums Admin)
    ragingprimeape (Text RPG Admin)
    MewLoverEX (Head of Special Projects)
    ^This might need to change.
    There's probably somewhere else that I should be putting this...

    EDIT: I would also add a link to the Intros/Farewells topic...

  20. #20
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    DUDE?!?! i thought you were kidding when you said you might leave. Wow...I'm surprised. Well give it 4 more days and I'll see ya in school. Lol. Amaze me again this year with your projects. Your gonna try and do ALL of that!?!? Good lord! I'll weld ya a metal if you can do it all lol (or your skills usa people can give ya one, since you will kick ASS in state.)

    If you are even reading stuff anymore, I'll shoot ya my schedule on facebook. *how cool would it be if we had woods together?

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